Blind Test : Guess the movie
Guess the movie from popular dialogues
18 fragen
1. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Terminator
b Hobbit
c Taken
d Shining
2. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Apollo 13
b The Martian
c Apollo 12
d Apollo 11
3. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a The Avengers
b Gods of Egypt
c Taken
d Shining
4. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
b Shawshank Redemption
c Rocky
d Forrest gump
5. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a King arthur
b Braveheart
c The 300
d Gladiator
6. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Gladiator
b The 300
c The Legend of King Arthur
d Braveheart
7. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Pulp Fiction
b GodFellas
c Godfather
d Scarface
8. From which movie is this historical laugh taken?
a The Mask
b The Shining
c The Wizard of Oz
d Joker
9. From which movie is this beautiful speech taken?
a Selma
b The pursuit of happiness
c Hidden Figures
d Collateral beauty
10. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a The Hobbit
b Star Trek
c Back to the future
d Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire
11. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Taxi Driver
b Kingsmann
c Pulp Fiction
d Scarface
12. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Star wars: Return of the Jedi
b Star wars: Empire strikes back
c Harry Potter
d Star Wars: A new hope
13. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Terminator 2
b Scarface
c The GodFather
d The Untouchables
14. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a The Amazing Spider-man
b The Hobbit
c The Wizard of Oz
d Dragons
15. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Psycho
b The Shining
c Dear Johnny
d Saw
16. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Coming to America
b The Wolf of Wall Street
c Titanic
d Lord of the Ring
17. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a Need for Speed
b Fast and Furious
c Apollo 13
d Top gun
18. From which movie is this dialogue taken?
a V for vendetta
b The man in the Iron Mask
c The Mask
d The Bulletman