Harry Potter & School (lockdown!)
Let's check if you know your lesson ;)! Alors... est-ce qu'elle est sue cette leçon? Voyons! A vous de jouer!
von rostand6YD
20 fragen
1. ......... a library in Jean Rostand.
a There are
b There is
c They are
d He is
2. ............. 3 English classrooms in Jean Rostand.
a There is
b There are
c Is there
d Are there
3. ................. a tennis court in Jean Rostand?
a There are
b Are there
c Is there
d There is
4. ........................... any rugby pitches in Jean Rostand?
a Is there
b There is
c There are
d Are there
5. There is ............... orchestra in Jean Rostand.
a A
b One
c An
d Some
6. There ....................... any cats in the playground in Jean Rostand!
a Aren't
b Isn't
c Is
d Are
7. There are ....................... trees in the playground.
a Some
b A
c Any
d An
8. Are there ....................... clubs in the college?
a Some
b A
c Any
d An
9. Traduis: "Combien de classes y-a-t'il?"
a How many classrooms are there?
b How many classrooms is there?
c Is there a classroom?
d Are there any classrooms?
10. Harry Potter is a ...........................
a Pumpkin
b Witch
c Skeleton
d Wizard
11. What's this? Look at the picture.
a A hall
b A staircase
c An owlery
d A corridor
12. Mme Fromentin is a ...................................
a Wizard
b Witch
c Teacher
d Kitchen
13. What is Quidditch?
a A school
b The name of an orchestra
c A fictional sport
d A plent
14. Look at the picture. What is it?
a The dining hall
b The owlery
c The careers room
d The car park
15. Traduction: "à l'intérieur"
a Outside
b Inside
c In
d On
16. Traduction: "à l'extérieur / dehors"
a Inside
b Next to
c In
d Outside
17. Hogwarts is a .................................
a Tower
b Castle
c House
d Bicycle shed
18. Who is the best English teacher?
a Mme Fromentin
b Professor Dumbledore
c Mr Bean
d Hagrid
19. Quel drapeau y-a-t'il dans la salle 204?
a Royaume Uni
c Canada
d Jamaïque
20. Quelle affiche de film se trouve dans la salle 204?
a Bohemian Rhapsody
b Jumanji
c The Queen
d Batman Returns