Quiz about power-elastic power and the physical Joule.
von Physicists
10 fragen
1. What did Joule show his studies related to the electric current?
a The energy used to perform an activity can not be converted into heat
b The energy used to perform an activity can be converted into heat
c The energy used to perform an activity can be converted into another energy
d The energy used to perform an activity can not be converted into another energy
2. Does the Joule unit define what measure?
a Job
b Energy
c Energy and work
d None of the previous
3. What was science to Joule?
a Fun
b Recreation
c Profession
d Hobby
4. The Joule effect showed that the heat generated by the passage of electric current depends on:
a From the time the circuit remains active.
b Resistance of the resistor.
c From the same.
d All previous alternatives.
5. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics contributed to:
a Pack of studies related to the Industrial Revolution.
b Pack of studies during the Second War.
c All alternatives.
d 25/5000 None of the alternatives.
6. Heat-related Joule studies helped to define the relationship to:
a The equivalence between heat and energy.
b The equivalence between heat and mechanical work.
c The equivalence between mechanical work and energy.
d None of the alternatives.
7. Which of these materials was not used in the experiment?
a Battery.
b Elastic
c Clips
d Drums
8. What is the functionality of the battery attached to the elastic during the experiment?
a Give energy.
b Weigh the elastic.
c Warm up the elastic.
d None of the alternatives.
9. Why does the can come back after the end of the force applied to it?
a The force was not over.
b Accumulating energy.
c Inertia.
d Uniform rectilinear movement.
10. In what material does the energy accumulate?
a Battery.
b Tin.
c Elastic.
d None of them.