French culture
French culture for Y8.
von FDidelet
10 fragen
1. What is the capital of France ?
a Lyon
b Paris
c Strasbourg
d Marseille
2. What is traditionally eaten for la Chandeleur ?
a Beef
b Cheese
c Bread
d Crêpes
3. Which country is the most visited country in the world ?
a France
b The United States
c Canada
d Kuwait
4. What does RSVP stand for ?
a Rapide service vite parfait
b Répondez s'il vous plaît
c Rapide sera votre piano
d Religion sacrée voilà point
5. What do French people use this for ?
a Eat soup
b Eat pasta
c Drink coffee / hot chocolate in the morning
d Drink alcohol
6. 3 English expressions are coming from French, which one does not come from French ?
a Brunette
b En route
c Bagel
d Rendez vous
7. French was the official language of what country other than France for over 300 years ?
a England
b Russia
c Zimbabwea
d Iceland
8. In the city of Paris how many stop signs are there ?
a 1
b 20
c 50
d 100
9. What are French classes like in school ?
a Classes are the same each day
b French students don't go to school
c Students only have one class per day
d Classes change depending on the day with longer lunch breaks
10. What is the biggest meal of the day in France ?
a Breakfast
b Lunch/dinner
c Tea
d Dessert