5KMK European Union
Quizz moyen sur l'union européenne en anglais.
von judepomme-edaccord
5 fragen
1. How many countries have created the Europe ?
a 3 Countries
b 6 Countries
c 28 Countries
d 1 Country
2. What's the largest European country ?
a It's the France
b It's the Portugal
c It's the Spain
d It's the Germany
3. How many languages does it speak in Europe ?
a 19 Languages
b 28 Languages
c 24 Languages
d 21 Languages
4. What's country comes out of Europe ?
a The Kossovo
b The USA
c The Italy
d The United Kingdom
5. How many stars are there in the European flag ?
a 12 stars
b 10 stars
c 8 stars
d 29 stars